Big Or Small: Which Size Home Is Best For You?
Tuesday Apr 04th, 2017
This can be a tricky question to answer. Partly because our needs change over the years and decades. After kids leave home, maybe smaller is better but prior to that, maybe a bigger home is what you're seeking–room for the kids, dog, and tons of the kids' sleepover friends.
The trends reflect our indecisiveness too. Sometimes McMansions are on the rise and then there's the complete opposite: tiny, tiny homes. In fact, you can watch fascinating shows online about families of four with a couple of dogs moving into these tiny well-designed homes or homes on wheels.
While that small may be far too small, size is a big consideration. It's also something you should think about before you go house-hunting for that perfect home.
Of course,while there are many personal reasons involved in choosing which size home is the best fit, there are also some very important considerations that can help you decide.
Here are few things to help you weigh your options.
The bigger the home, usually the higher the mortgage. You pay for what you get. It's likely the mortgage payments will be more. However, a smaller home with more amenities is sometimes not that far off in price from a larger home that gives you a bit more square footage.
Think about if you are planning to stay in the home a long time. If so, getting a bit more square footage now might be better than having to move again in a short period of time when you may outgrow the home.
Decide how much home you're willing to maintain. For instance, do you want the responsibility of a big back yard or do you want to have something in a planned development, such as a town home, where there is limited yard space to decorate and maintain. That reduced yard size can give you a lot more freedom and leave you with more money in your bank account as opposed to paying for landscaping maintenance.
Do you work from home or might you someday? This is really important these days as more and more people are working from home and setting up desk space on the dining room table is not optimal. If you think you might be working from home someday, look for a home that will have enough space for you to work, even it it's just a screened-off nook somewhere in the house. No doubt, you'll find a good use for the space, whether or not you actually work from home
If you want a bigger home but aren't sure you can afford it, consider your options. Can you get a roommate? Increase your income? Decrease your debt? Or maybe you can wait a little bit longer and save more to get into the home you really want.
The important thing is to think about the size and style of home you want before you start your house-hunting. This will help you target homes that are most suitable for your needs. Be sure to consult with experts to get the best advice and find out how much home you can really afford.
Steve Bulatovic

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